Dear Residents,

We hope this message finds you and your family well.

We are writing to notify you that a resident in one of the buildings reported testing positive for COVID-19. In an effort to help protect and minimize the risk of the virus spreading, your Association’s Board will be implementing the following safeguards. We hope this will help to ease your mind.

On Thursday, April 9, 2020, in conjunction with 1B Association, we have a company coming out to clean all the common areas in the 100, 200, and 300 buildings. They will be washing down the hallway walls, stairwells, and lobbies. Our maintenance staff is doing a great job cleaning the carpets and elevators and laundry rooms.

Due to this pandemic, our “Common Areas” are very vulnerable. listed below are some guidelines we are asking all residents to adhere to until this “Stay At Home” mandate by the state of Illinois is lifted.

  • We are asking that you cease all package deliveries from outside vendors, such as furniture deliveries, Amazon, FedEx, and eBay, etc. these vendors are entering in and out of our common areas and ing packages in the common areas. due to the fact that germs may linger on the packages, this may bring added risks to our residents. also, there has been concern and reports that many of these companies are being accused of unsanitary conditions.
  • If you are infected or have come into contact with someone who is infected, please, self-isolate yourself for the suggested 14 days.
  • To protect yourself as well as others, please, wear a face mask and gloves when entering in and out of the common areas and please: ask your guests to do the same. also, do not leave any debris in the lobby areas, i.e., used gloves or face masks, used kleenex’s, food, etc. this has been observed and then you are exposing others to your germs.
  • All homeowners/residents should be practicing self-distancing.

Above All, Stay At Home”

Please let’s all work together to keep our common areas as “Risk-Free” as possible. please, know that your board and staff are staying apprised of the latest information and are doing our best to minimize the risk.